- Improved Running Indicators to be more efficient and not require a timer
- Added a new "Warnings" tab in Dock Settings that will appear if known and solvable problems exist
- Added "Debug.exe" to assist in debugging Mods (and for our
internal use in debugging RD). It also will show the contents of
any generated "Debug Info" files for our more paranoid users.
- Moved "LanguageID Finder.exe" to the Tools directory.
- Changed docklet handling of OnConfigure() and other events so
that docklets now have a normal right-click menu. "Icon Settings"
will configure the docklet
- Fixed problem where docklets (iCal) could change the Current Directory and cause problems
- Changed the "hot" area of the dock to only extended to the edge
of your monitor if any of the following are true: AutoHide is enabled,
Popup on Mouseover is enabled, or the Edge Offset is greater than zero
- Changed to better clean up "ghost" settings from deleted icons/filters
- Added TinyCC as an embedded compiler for our upcomming "Mod" system
- Fixed minor defect in detecting the mouse being in/out of the dock
- Fixed Vista problems with RocketDock.dll and RocketClock.dll using the wrong Code Generation type
- Changed Popup on Mouseover to only steal focus in "Normal" layering mode
- Added per-icon "Open Running Applicaiton Instance" options
- Changed "Find Target" into a "..." button
- Fixed OD Docklet bug that would crash docklets that browsed for icons durring OnCreate()
- Fixed RocketDock.dll crashing on Vista
- Fixed AutoHide+Minimize jumping
- Fixed crashing when restoring multiple windows (by unchecking "Minimize Windows to the Dock")
- Fixed visual glitches when minimizing windows
- Added Window Filtering (hold Control+Alt+Shift when minimizing to create/delete filters)
- Rewrote thread synchronization.
- Added "Disable Minimize Animations" option
- Fixed OD Docklet API DockletGetLabel(). It now returns the char count
- Fixed ini quote limitation
- Added a "Debug Info" button to save usefull bug report information
- Fixed Calendar Docklet images being cut off or scaled incorrectly
- Fixed Flickering/Popping Down after a display change (or playing a game)
- Fixed random crashing when right-clicking on icons
- Fixed Volume Docklet "popup menu" bug
- Fixed problem with some TrueType fonts displaying improperly
- Fixed crashing on 1-bit icons by not reading them with Gdiplus (which apparently can't handle them)
- Fixed skin appearing in upper-left momentarily on startup
- Updated the installer
- Many tiny internal changes
- Added "Minimize windows to Dock" (with realtime previews under Vista with Desktop Composition enabled)
- Added ability to store all settings in "Settings.ini" (for portability)
- Added Icon Activation FX options
- Added Hover Effect option
- Added Icon Opacity option
- Added Zoom Opaque option (Fades Icon Opacity to 100% when zooming)
- Added Zoom "Plateau" mode (like "Bubble" only flat at the peak)
- Added the ability to set a negative Edget Offset (down to -15px)
- Added Popup on Mouseover Delay option
- Added Behavior Settings area
- Added ability to have multiple custom icon folders
- Added ability to browse executable files as "folders" for icon resources
- Added support for Vista icon resources
- Improved Icon Transitions
- Added "Running Task Indicators"
- Added "Open Existing Application Instance"
- Added a simple Clock Docklet
- Changed Recycle Bin Icons to have 2 states
- Added a hot key to toggle RocketDock visibility (CTRL+ALT+R)
- Fixed multi-monitor issue with RD forgetting your setting when connecting/disconnecting monitors (or using Remote Desktop).
- Fixed Icons adding to the end of the dock.
- Fixed many window layering issues (Icons and Labels)
- Fixed Vista UAC awareness issue
- Icons now maintain image size ratio
- Improved icon resource support
- Fixed Thread/Handle leak
- Fixed Icon Settings crashing in the System32 directory
- Fixed icons being reloaded when canceling the Dock Settings window
- Lock Icons now prevents you from dragging in new icons, but allows you to drag onto other icons.
- Fixed Docklets forgetting their icon image
- Fixed special shortcuts loading incorrectly (My Computer, iTunes, Office)
- Fixed Icon / Separator shifting glitch affecting "pixel-perfect" skins
- Changed Separator spacing to 1/2 that of a normal icon.
- Fixed random Icons not sliding (usually after pressing cancel in the Dock Settings window)
- Fixed AutoHide working while in Settings windows.
- Fixed crashing when right-clicking on the context menu. Right clicking is now functional as well.
- Fixed relative paths not executing properly.
- Ported hooks to C++ and merged into a single dll (RocketDock.dll)
- Added German and French documentation
- Optimized bubble algo and label rendering...
- Minor bug fixes that I can't remember :)
- Complete rewrite of rendering code
- Improved performance on systems with newer video cards. Older systems will vary in performance
- Icons now slide and transition smoothly like the OS X dock
- Icons and docklets now bounce when launching or getting your attention
- Icons now do a "poof" animation while deleting
- Icons now are solid so you cannot "click through" transparent areas by mistake
- Added support for RK Launcher skins
- Improved support for skins that use tiling (in various formats)
- Better ObjectDock Docklet SDK support
- Popup on Mouseover no longer interrupts fullscreen applicaitons
- Drag 'n Drop from the Start Menu now works
- Dropping files/folders onto folders in the dock now performs a copy operation
- Dropping files/folders onto any ReycleBin icon will now act properly
- Dropping files/folders onto programs on the dock now launches the
program with the dropped file as an argument (much like explorer)
- Added a new error catching system to ensure that RocketDock loads
properly. If it has a problem loading it will now ask you if it should revert to defaults
- Redesigned zoom algorithm to solve visual glitches and to support new effects
- Massive restructuring and organization of the entire project
- Simplified and (hopefully) fixed thread syncronization...
- Added "Update" menu item when right-clicking on the dock
- Popup on Mousover now works when using "Always on Top" layering
- New option to treat all your monitors as a single large one
- Fixed a nasty bug where RocketDock would crash while loading
- Fixed separators vanishing durring drag operations
- Fixed unnecessary saving when items are locked and you try to drag one
- Fixed Icon Labels appearing under the dock skin
- Removed Screenshot capabilities due to the new rendering system. This may return in a future version
- Settings are now stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RocketDock
- Removed Monitor clipping due to the new rendering code...
- Added WindowsXP Icon (ICO) support
- Improved EXE/DLL Icon Resource Support
- Added full documentation
- All New Icons and 14 New Skins by ZaK (zakar.deviantart.com)
- 2 New Skins by dlb (www.crystalxp.net)
- Added "Zoom Flat" effect for zooming icons without a bubble
- Added "Edge Offset" for positioning the dock
perpendicular to the edge of your screen ("Offset" is now known as "Centering")
- Added "Add Item->Blank Icon" for convenience when
adding icons manually (like a website URI)
- Changed "Hide Icon Labels" to have a realtime preview
- Improved "Change Folder" option so that "Icons\" remains
- Uninstaller now removes the RocketDock folder in the Start Menu
- Fixed a nasty MouseHook.dll handle leak (and renamed to MouseHook2.dll to prevent conflicts)
- Fixed a leak in the Icon Settings "Icons" SysListView32 control
- Fixed a leak in the Icon Settings "Preview" Static control
- Fixed 6 tiny handle leaks throughout RocketDock in random directory listing code...
- Fixed "Default Icon" button not working on most items
- Fixed "Add Item" not appearing when right-clicking on the
dock skin (not selecting an icon)
- Fixed "Popup on Mouseover" flickering when in "Normal"
Layering mode
- Fixed dock locking up using AutoHide+PopupOnMouseover and
dragging an icon out
- Fixed RocketDock animating under the mouse when covered by
another window
- Fixed Mouseover Activation only working when cursor was in
Trigger Area... Now it just needs to be over the dock (or the Trigger
Area if blocked by a window)
- Fixed Settings window getting hidden in Always on Bottom
and Normal layering modes (especially with "Popup on Mouseover" enabled)
- Fixed major ThreadSync bug causing docklets to fail
- Fixed incorrect implimentation of ObjectDocklet SDK
GetPath functions
- Fixed bug causing iTunes docklet to not update the song
- Fixed bug where docklet labels wouldn't update if you kept
your mouse over them
- Rewrote some code to avoid a layered window / DirectShow
bug that was causing blank screens in some media software
- Removed Separator on "Add Item" popup menu when there are
no Docklets
- Added option to use UberIcon effects as the 'attention'
- Added basic support for ObjectDock Docklets.
Drag 'n Drop is still not supported
- Added real-time preview for the Icon
Settings image selector
- Added more AutoHide options
- Control+Drag can now move locked Icons
- Optimized DragIcon rendering
- Optimized auto-saving when Icons are dragged
- Improved ObjectDock skin loading
- Converted all Astro and Proto skins to the Mobydock format
to keep them looking the same w/ the newly improved skin support
- Disabled skin-rotation for all skins made for docks that
don't support skin-rotation... This will make them appear more like
they did in their original docks...
- Removed some unneeded registry access
- Removed Quit button from the Dock Settings window
- Reorganized the popup menu
- Moved Mouseover Activation option to the Position tab.
- Fixed Mouseover Activation so that it works in Top,
Normal, and Bottom zOrder modes
- Fixed AutoRun path missing quotes (rarely causing a
long-pathname problem)
- Fixed Start In being left blank when a new file is dragged
in... Start In now defaults to the Desktop when left blank (like
desktop shortcuts do)
- Fixed some settings not saving on shutdown
- Fixed ghost label left behind after an autohide
- Fixed dock not autohiding when first run and when closing
options windows
- Fixed a rare zoom timer bug that wasted
precious cpu cycles
- Fixed Theme Opacity allowing 0% (couldn't add
icons / other problems)
- Fixed sticking Icons/Labels when using AutoHide
- Fixed major Zoom related bugs
- Fixed AutoHide oddities after closing option windows
- Fixed minor oddity w/ AutoHide+Zoom while in option windows
- Updated Creative Commons license to the new version 2.5
- Fixed bug allowing RocketDock to run multiple times
- Fixed Icon-Label centering bug
- Newly Supported / Improved Languages:
- Italian by LazyBoy
- Norwegian by Ozzy1
- Spanish by Edmundo Alvarez
- French by Alain Guignard
- Complete rewrite of core to be Unicode Compliant
- Support for Multiple Languages added
- RAM usage down from previous versions
- Huge speed boost when using ThemeOpacity below 100%
- Added "Always on Bottom" and "Normal" layering modes
- Added real-time previewing of more settings and improved
- Drasticly improved ObjectDock skin loading
- Painstakingly redesigned all the Icons again...
- All Icons are now free for commercial use and will soon be
available at a new site: http://www.antiartist.com
. We hope this will help out a few people with great ideas, and no
artistic skill (or money to buy some). Uggg, something in that foood
didn't agree with us ;)
- Added ability to duplicate Icons by holding
- Increased ZoomWidth range to allow up to "10"
- Improved efficiency when dragging icons out of the dock
- Added support for Environment Variables in Icon's Target
and WorkingDirectory
- Removed Dock automatically sizing down to fit the
constraints of your monitor... There were too many problems w/ games
changing resolution, and this feature is unnecessary
- Fixed various bugs with settings being saved at the wrong
- Fixed Zoom Setting changing while editing Icon Size
- Fixed gap remaining between icons when a new item was
dragged in, and then out of the dock
- Fixed Screenshot bug with hidden labels
- Fixed z-ordering of icon labels
- Fixed skin rendering when size is invalid
- Fixed CPU draining after Auto-Hide option is turned off
(until RD is restared)
- Fixed Dock Settings window not properly centering
- Fixed positioning bug when changing desktop resolution
- Fixed Separator positioning when separator's width was
equal to the space provided for it... (0 / 2 = random)...compiler bug?
- Fixed Separator and DragIcon wasting some RAM with unused
- Fixed incorrect thread syncronization with the Icon
Settings window
- Fixed execution of special shell items (ie 'Startmenu \
- Fixed separator randomly appearing under newly dragged in
- Newly Supported Languages:
- Brazillian Portuguese by Flitz
- Bulgarian by the_TAHK
- Czech by FutureMillennium
- Dutch by surfer
- French by KrK
- German by stenosis
- Hebrew by Danimal3
- Japanese by keng0
- Russian by zhuchok
- Swedish by P@itor
- Traditional Chinese by Nelson
- Fixed CPU draining when moving the mouse
- Fixed bug preventing real-time preview of some options
- Fixed missing scrollbars on Icon Folder-View
- Added AstroLife Skin
- Replaced foood icons with ugly PSW icons
- Added Auto-hide option
- Added Auto-run option
- Screenshots are now numbered as "Rocketdock-*num*.png" on
the desktop
- New Dock Settings window layout (Firefox-esque)
- Fixed bug with relative icon paths... All icon paths are
now fully qualified
- Fixed bug with context menu displaying some items as
- Fixed bug with context menu handling invalid items
- Bug fix for Dock Settings Icon (That actually works)
- Clears your settings
- Bug fix for Dock Settings Icon
- Rewrote special item handling... "My Computer" type icons
can now be dragged in
- Rewrote Icon Loading
- Improved Shortcut loading
- Rewrote Icon Settings to be Shortcut-like
- Fixed Windows 2000 Compatibility issues
- Now includes the redistributable Gdiplus library